Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fashionably Independent

As a young woman whom has worked in corporate America, has attended a multitude of social functions and is constantly questioned about her wardrobe – I think this topic is the PERFECT place to begin.

Is there a dress code to life?
Is the “dress code” a thing of the past?

Personally, I go to work- but I don’t have “Work Clothes”.

I go to church – but I don’t have a section in my closet labeled “Sundays Best”.

As bad as these hats are....

I don't own one.

I attend social gatherings – but I do not own “Club Clothes”.

In my opinion, dress codes are antiquated and meant to guide the fashionably challenged.

True fashion is timeless...codeless....limitless. Case in point- Ralph Lauren. Ralph Lauren is a lifestyle brand. There are RL sheets, apparel and frangrances. As well as a brand to suit every budget. The brand does not do trends...think about it..when a multitude of brands were doing things similar to the Ed Hardy style (you know with the Dru Hill dragons and stuff), none of the RL brands participated in that tom foolery. They didn't have to because the polo horseman is timeless and the purple label is limitless.

I dress according to how I feel. If I wake up and feel absolutely beautiful
--> I am putting on a dress. I had a friend that helped me understand it because people would look at me crazy when I explained this. My friend summed it up that we don't do "church clothes" because we don't go to church.....we are the church. And that statement can be applied to my entire wardrobe. Quite frankly, I am fashionably independent and Honestly I don't need you to tell me which colors are in and how or what to wear.


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