Self Talk

In this article we explore the affects of positive affirmations on your journey to success!

Unlock Your Greatness

Did you know that all of the things you need to succeed are with in you? Yes its true! And here is another tip to unlock your hidden potential.

Your Financial Health

Credit what? FICO who? Jumpstart your credit!


Change your life NOW!!!


I Am Theoria. And this is my blog....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Why do you think Donald Trump questioned President Obama's Citizenship & Harvard Degree?

Why do you think Donald Trump questioned President Obama's Citizenship & Harvard Degree?

Answer here

Monday, April 4, 2011

How To Walk In Heels

This is right on time for me as I'm always wondering what the correct way is to walk in heels. This article breaks it down...step-by-step!

Everyone knows that heels are sexy, they make legs looks longer and more defined, but just how are we supposed to strut our stuff in those 4″ stilettos?
Learning to walk in heels is something that takes lots of practice, and it’s not something you can learn just by reading an article!

That said, here are some tips to get you started:
* Start small. If you’ve never walked in high heels before, don’t start out learning with 5 inch stilettos – that’s a recipe for pain and maybe even injury! Try something smaller, like a 2 inch heel or wedge to get used to the feeling. You can always work your way up to your most killer heels.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

14 Ways To Boost Your Energy!

I don't know about you guys...but I find myself more tired than anything. By 1:00 p.m. everyday I feel as if I need a nap!

When I ran across this article it was right on helped me so I thought I'd share. Do you know how many things I would accomplish if I weren't so tired?

You Don't Exercise
At least 30 minutes of a sweat-inducing workout during the day may help you sleep deeply, says Thomas E. Scammell, MD, an assistant professor of neurology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. His research suggests the increase in body temperature during exercise activates sleep-producing cells in the brain.
Fit in half an hour of cardiovascular exercise four days a week, says Wil Maxton, a certified personal trainer and nutrition specialist in Philadelphia. Even a daily 30-minute walk in the morning or after dinner can raise your body temperature enough to improve your energy level and help you fall asleep. To give your heart a good workout, walk briskly while still being able to maintain a conversation. Keep in mind, though, that exercise also raises your metabolism, which can heighten alertness and interfere with sleep, says Dr. Scammell. Work out early in the day when possible, and if you have to exercise in the evening, wait at least three hours before going to bed.
You're an Irregular Sleeper
If you're getting up at the crack of dawn during the workweek, then sleeping in on weekends, you're disrupting your body's natural sleep schedule (or circadian rhythm). The more your patterns vary from day to day, the more tired you'll become. Stay reasonably consistent in terms of when you go to bed and wake up to avoid throwing off your internal clock, says Dr. Scammell. Otherwise, you're at risk for sleep deprivation. Research shows that an irregular wake-up time impacts daytime sleepiness more than an erratic bedtime does.
You're Taking New Pills
If you're using a new medication and your energy level has lowered, talk to your doctor about switching drugs or dosages. Over-the-counter and prescription drugs like antihistamines, antidepressants, pain medications, and beta-blockers can tire you even if drowsiness isn't a listed side effect, says Dr. Lipsky.
Your Bedroom Isn't Dark
You'll sleep best when your room is very dark, says Samir Bangalore, MD, a medicine intern at Evanston Hospital in Illinois. Make sure blinds and curtains block intense light like streetlamps. (Low-intensity illumination such as a night-light is not likely to keep you awake.) In a recent study from Northwestern University, Dr. Bangalore found that people who were awakened in the middle of the night by bright light (such as a bathroom light) and kept awake for several hours had a shift in circadian rhythm, in essence giving them jet lag. The longer the exposure, the more the body's natural clock was disturbed.
You're Dehydrated
Dehydration causes your body to conserve energy by decreasing blood circulation. This deprives your muscles of oxygenated blood and causes you to become fatigued, Dr. Lipsky says. Even mild dehydration can make you feel lethargic. Symptoms include constipation; rough, dry skin; dry tongue, lips and mucous membranes; dark, strong-smelling urine; thirst; weakness; and fatigue. Be sure to drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day. Your urine should be pale yellow, says Dr. Lipsky. If it's not, keep drinking until the color changes. Replace lost fluids during a workout by having 4 to 6 ounces of water every 15 to 20 minutes, advises Kristine Clark, PhD, RD, director of sports nutrition at Pennsylvania State University. Weigh yourself before and after you exercise, and drink 16 ounces (two cups) for every pound lost, she says.
You Slouch
Poor posture creates fatigue by causing muscles, ligaments, and joints to work harder than they do when your body is aligned correctly, says Scott Bautch, of the American Chiropractic Association. Experts estimate that looking down at a 45-degree angle uses five times more energy than holding your head in an upright position. The added strain on muscles also decreases blood (and oxygen) flow to your brain by as much as 30 percent, making you feel tired. To check your posture, draw an imaginary line from the middle of your ear through the center of your shoulder and hip. Or have someone take a photo of you from the side -- bad posture is easy to spot. Correct your slouch by strengthening back muscles. Try two sets of 20 shoulder rolls forward and backward twice a week.
You're Itchy
It's easy to ignore your itchy nose or nasal congestion. But left untreated, the annoying symptoms can cause fatigue, says Aimee Altschul, MD, a clinical allergist and immunologist in private practice at ENT and Allergy Associates and a clinical instructor at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. "Congestion, runny nose, and other symptoms can prevent you from falling asleep or staying asleep." she says. Ease sniffles with remedies like the allergy drug Claritin, a once-a-day, nonsedating antihistamine that became available over-the-counter last December, or prescription-only daily-dose sprays such as Nasonex or Flonase. If conventional drugs don't work, visit an allergist who can help you detect what you're allergic to and how to treat it, says Dr. Altschul.
You've Got a Major Sweet Tooth
Simple sugars, found in soda, candy, cakes, and ice cream, may give you a quick boost of energy -- but not a lasting one. These foods trigger a large output of insulin, which lowers blood sugar and leaves you feeling sluggish, according to Maxton. Eat fiber-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which keep blood sugar levels steady.
You're Under Pressure
Stress causes your body to release cortisol, the "fight or flight" hormone. When released, it increases the fat and sugar in your bloodstream that your brain and muscles use for a quick burst of energy. After the anxiety has passed, your body returns to its normal state. When you're under chronic stress, however, the hormone is released continuously, says Jim Lane, PhD, an associate research professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Duke University. Long-term exposure to elevated cortisol level leads to fatigue and a weakened immune system, he says. To reduce the physical impact of stress, focus on your breathing when tension starts to rise. Make sure your belly expands and your breath is coming from the lower abdomen. Inhale and exhale slowly. Deep breathing increases the oxygen in your bloodstream, which slows your heart rate, lowers your blood pressure and relaxes your muscles, thereby countering the fight-or-flight response.
You Drink Coffee or Soda
Caffeine can magnify your body's response to stress. A study in Psychosomatic Medicine found that ingesting the caffeine equivalent of two to three 8-ounce cups of coffee significantly increases stress-hormone levels and blood pressure (just one cup may raise your blood pressure for the entire day). These effects might still be present at bedtime, preventing you from getting a sound sleep. Lane suggests drinking caffeinated beverages as early in the day as possible. "It can take 10 to 12 hours to eliminate it from your system, so have caffeine before noon," he says.
You Snore
Sleep apnea, a condition caused by soft tissues in your throat that obstruct your airway, can wake you several times during the night. You may be unable to stay in REM sleep, which slows body functions, relaxes muscles, and allows you to enter the lowest state of consciousness. Symptoms include snoring, morning headaches, memory problems, and irritability, according to Christin Engelhardt, executive director of the American Sleep Apnea Association. She suggests sleeping on your side or stomach. If this doesn't help, or if these positions are uncomfortable, talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist about conducting a sleep disorders test.
You're Iron Deficient
Nearly eight million adolescent girls and women of childbearing age in the United States suffer from iron deficiency. This can cause anemia, a condition that develops when normal stores of the mineral are depleted. Signs that you may be deficient include extreme fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, confusion or loss of concentration, dizziness or fainting, pale skin, rapid heartbeat, and feeling cold, sad, or depressed. If you might be anemic -- particularly if you're prone to heavy periods or are a vegetarian -- get a blood test. Dr. Lipsky does not recommend iron supplements for healthy adult women unless they're clinically deficient or pregnant.
You're Lonely
People who feel isolated may have a harder time getting a good night's sleep, according to a study in Psychological Science. Researchers found that individuals who described themselves as lonely woke more frequently during the night than those who felt socially fulfilled. Experts aren't sure why the connection exists; still, "social interaction is one of the best ways to improve your mood and your sense of well-being," says Robert Thayer, PhD, a professor of psychology at California State University at Long Beach. If you think loneliness may be the cause of your fatigue, Thayer recommends sharing your feelings with a friend, family member, or counselor. Even a quick phone call can help you feel more connected to the people you love.
You're Depressed
Energy loss and chronic fatigue are common symptoms of depression, a condition that may be characterized by poor sleep, hormonal changes, or tension, says Dr. Lipsky. Other signs include feelings of extreme sadness, anxiety, or guilt, poor concentration, loss of appetite or overeating, an inability to sleep or to stop sleeping, and suicidal thoughts. If you've been experiencing symptoms and have been unable to sleep soundly for two weeks or more, visit your doctor. For more information, visit the National Institute of Mental Health Web site at

via Fitness Magazine 

Remember that Success is a multi deminsional state of being....Spiritual, Mental & Physical

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cool Tips From Jen Fong!

I love love love Jen Fong's blog! The advice is awesome. She's direct and to the point.

Check out her article: 6 Tips to Get Better Results from Your Email Marketing
We don’t often give a lot of attention to email marketing. It isn’t flashy and cool like social networks. We don’t necessarily get immediate feedback from email like we do with our social networks and blogs. But it’s hard to ignore email marketing when business to consumer (B2C) marketers report an average of 256% ROI from the channel — pulling in $256 for every $1 invested. (MarketingSherpa 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report).

When was the last time you considered your email marketing program?

Of course, there’s a good way and a bad way to do email. If all you do is spam your customers and friends with ad after ad, you’ll get no results at all. That’s because people are coming to regard their inboxes as valuable real estate. They’re a lot more choosy about what they allow to fill their inboxes. But if you crack the code, and provide emails that people want to get, you can experience great results from a thoughtful email marketing program for your business.

So what makes and effective email marketing program? Here are some tips:

1.Make sure your email list is permission based. There are lots of ways to get a list of emails. Make sure yours is legal! People MUST give you permission before you’re allowed to send them marketing messages. Ask each person you sell to if they’d like to be on your list. Give people the opportunity to sign up on your blog or Facebook Page. But DON’T just add all your friends to your email list, and don’t assume that every person who hands you their business card wants your newsletter. If people haven’t opted in, your messages are considered spam, and it’s against the law for you to send them.

2.Segment your list. You may be marketing to different types of people. For example, perhaps you’re trying to reach generation Y with your opportunity, but you’re trying to reach a middle-aged mom with your products. These are two very different groups with two very different needs. Why would you send them the same email? Instead, create different lists for people to sign up for. You might offer one place where people interested in the opportunity could sign up for a “special report,” while customers could sign up for “recipes, deals, and discounts.” Each person signs themselves up for the appropriate list, and then is sent messages targeted to that group. When the message is consistently relevant to the subscriber, they’re a lot more likely to convert.

3.Keep it short and bulleted. People are busy. Most people will scan your message before deciding to read it. So how do you get their attention? Well first, make sure it’s short. People aren’t going to read a novel. Write your email newsletter, and then cut it in half. Then, highlight the most important points in bullets, and bold the main ideas of each bullet. Use a clear image to highlight each main idea. What you’re doing is making it easy to scan for the main ideas quickly. You’re a lot more likely to get people to invest in your message if they see the value in it quickly.

4.Make it valuable. Face it. People are NOT going to read a regular stream of ads. They’re just not. Their inbox real estate is too valuable for that. So include one value-driven message in each of your emails. Answer a question, provide a useful tip, etc. Give people a reason to open each email that you send, because there’s something in it that they can use right now without spending a dime, every time.

Check out the remaining tips at Jen Fong Speaks
Go head Ms. Jen==> You get two snaps and a hand clap!

A ______ A Day, Keeps The "Shrink" Away

On of the best things I've ever done for myself was to dedicate one hour per day to improving myself. During this time I pray, I listen to self development material, I read....and I want to encourage each of you to do the same.

Studies have shown that the average human being only utilizes less than 10% of their potential in their entire lifetime. I don't know about you but 10% isn't enough! And I know that I can do much better than that.

Here's the challenge==> Turn your car into a mobile university. That's right! Instead of listening to the randomness that is morning shows, tune in to developing YOU!

 (Cool stuff I found online)
 Deputy Director of Public Affairs for President Obama
, and Chair of the Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network 

Check out one of my favorite motivational speakers, Les Brown - Step Into Your Greatness

You stop living when you stop learning ladies and gentlemen, so learn something new everyday.
