Saturday, April 2, 2011

A ______ A Day, Keeps The "Shrink" Away

On of the best things I've ever done for myself was to dedicate one hour per day to improving myself. During this time I pray, I listen to self development material, I read....and I want to encourage each of you to do the same.

Studies have shown that the average human being only utilizes less than 10% of their potential in their entire lifetime. I don't know about you but 10% isn't enough! And I know that I can do much better than that.

Here's the challenge==> Turn your car into a mobile university. That's right! Instead of listening to the randomness that is morning shows, tune in to developing YOU!

 (Cool stuff I found online)
 Deputy Director of Public Affairs for President Obama
, and Chair of the Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network 

Check out one of my favorite motivational speakers, Les Brown - Step Into Your Greatness

You stop living when you stop learning ladies and gentlemen, so learn something new everyday.



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